Articles tagged with final

FormsAPI Master V3.0 and FormsTool V3.0 final version released

By Stefan posted on 04-Nov-2013

Our brand new Version 3 rewrite of our tools is now officially out of beta-stage and has been released.


It has been a long journey to get it all done, but it's finally done! The V3.0 is a complete rewrite and was needed to support the new 64bit versions of Oracle Forms. I took the opportunity during the rewrite to drop a lot of old legacy code that was hard to maintain. Some of you might miss some old feature here and there (no more propertyset filters, no database compare, etc) but dropping those features helped to clean up and consolidate the code base considerably. The architecture behind the product has been completely reworked and is now much more stable and less buggy.



I am excited about the future of our tools and look forward to implement a lot new features and enhancements over the coming months!